GRIEF counseling FOR CHILDREN & grief support for families

In partnership with Lion's Heart Spokane, Wellness Therapies is now scheduling counseling sessions for children and teens experiencing grief, and offering support to their families.
Lion's Heart Grief Support for Children and Families.

greater access to grief support

Lion's Heart Grief Support for Children and Families.

Wellness Therapies is excited to announce that we are partnering with Lion's Heart Spokane to address the need for therapeutic grief support for children, teens, and families in our community, and they are getting their start at Wellness Therapies!

We know that children only learn how to express and move through grief by looking to the important adult figures in their lives. Lion's Heart provides comprehensive grief support to the family, ensuring that children grieve alongside parents, leaning on each other and strengthening the family bond, and promoting healing throughout the family system.

One-on-one support and family sessions offer opportunities for each member of the family to gain insight into their own grief experience and ways to support each other throughout their shared grief journey.